Tusculum Board Of Mayor And Commissioners Proceed With Speed Enforcement Program

Excerpt copied from www.greeneville.com WGRV Local News

Wednesday, November 30, 2022
by Jennifer Castillo-Gervasi

“The Tusculum Board of Mayor and Commissioners met Monday night and Chief Danny Greene provided the board with an update on the survey for the Photo Speed Enforcement Program.

Blue Line Solutions did a survey of three different school zones, Doak Elementary School, Chuckey-Doak Middle School, and Chuckey-Doak High School. Chief Greene has taken on the project and handed out the additional surveys, which showed there is still excessive speeding even during normal hours, with schools being closed. The next step is for the Chief to set up a meeting, possibly after December, where Blue Line Solution and the board can sit down together. A timeline would be discussed and any questions would be addressed at that time. ”

Webmaster Note:  It has been brought to our attention that the Town of Tusculum city limits does not encompass 2 of the 3 school zones mentioned in the article.  A school zone on 11E where the majority of the speeding offenses happen is not within the city limits.  Only Doak Elementary school lies within the Tusculum city limits and more than likely there is not a speeding issue there as the Tusculum Police Department is only a few hundred feet away from the school.