The “Citation” Received By a Contributor

The reverse of the citation.  Note where it says “PAYMENT OF THE PENALTY AMOUNT OF THE VIOLATION WILL NOT RESULT IN POINTS AND CANNOT BE USED TO INCREASE YOUR INSURANCE RATES” in RED letters.  Then in smaller bold print farther down it says “Non-payment of this citation cannot adversely affect your credit score or report, driver’s license, and/or automobile insurance rates”

The registered owner of the car gets the ticket, not the person driving it at the time.

What does it cost to pay these pieces of trash? They want $50 plus an additional $5.90 if you are paying by credit or debit card for a total of $55.90.    To contest it in court, you will have to pay the original fine of $50 and court costs of $175 for a total of at least $225 if you lose and chances are you will lose.  And who knows what else the cash hungry town will tack onto the cost.

Where do you pay it?  To this address in Chattanooga if you are paying by mail and we also assume it goes to the same place by telephone or internet.  This address comes up as Blue Line Solutions on various searches but not surprisingly, Blue Line Solutions does not list their address on their own website! Sounds like they don’t want to be found easily!


If I got one, I think it would hit the round file with a removable plastic bag in it.  This is the author’s opinion and Not to be considered as legal advice!!!!